Internet Dating Tips And Advice For Men

Secret Halloween Online Dating Tips

So, Halloween is here once again!

This is always my favorite time of year.

When I was a kid, obviously I LOVED Halloween because of the pillow case full of candy I would receive from various generous neighbors.

Now it’s not so much about candy, but it’s more about Halloween parties with SEXY women in mind blowing revealing costumes!

Just go out on the streets any night this week and you’ll find them… kitty costumes, devil costumes, cop chicks, sexy maids and anything else you can think of!

Here in San Francisco, they are literally flooding the streets EVERY night!

Not that I mind.

So, how does Online Dating fit into all of this?

Well, now’s definitely the time to send your crafty “Halloween Party” email template to women online. Chances are, you know where a Halloween party is this year and if you don’t, ask someone who does.

Go online and send a woman something like this:

Subject: “Halloween Party?”

Body: “OK, you look like someone who wants to go to a FUN and “VIP Members Only” Halloween party!  Am I right?  Ok then, write me back soon and I just might give you the pleasure of escorting me.

But be sure and act fast as time is running out!


There you go.

Try it out.

You just might meet someone special and have the time of your life in the process!

Happy Halloween and I’ll talk to you again next weeks!

Dating Expert
I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and answer the question, “who am I”?

Well, I’m actually a guy just like you and I went through a time in life where I was downright frustrated with my Online Dating results.

It seemed like whatever I tried… nothing worked! I thought hitting on women and sending really “nice”, “gentlemanly” emails was the way to go. I thought attractive women would appreciate me sending them love poems and long dissertations about my life story.

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